Aqua Tank Clean

Clean Water Healthy Family

Health is our concerns, because health is wealth. Waterborne disease is serious issue not for our country but globally. The quality of drinking-water is a powerful environmental determinant of health. According World Health Organization (WHO) “Lack of access to safe drinking water, together with inadequate sanitation and hygiene, is the overwhelming contributor to the 1.8 million annual deaths caused by diarrhoeal disease.” The harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites spread in our environment when we compromise with water.

“Aqua TankClean” initiate to care water;it is an opportunity to cleaning and disinfects the storage water tank.

There are many type bacteria may be present in the water and generally water tank neglects. We should be aware that the water source is clean which we are using in bathroom, washing, cooking and drinking. Hence we are doing clean or not the water tank?

We care your water tank and we use high-tech equipments and modern technique for cleaning tanks. Our Machines user-friendly, fast and low budget charges.

We have branches in local level so that we can provide best services easily.

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